Planning has been approved for Re-development of Hickeys Retail Shop
The Proposal consists of a re-development of the existing Hickeys Retail Shop at ground floor, and the addition of 5 Residential floors above with 30 Apartment Units, Communal Amenity Rooms, Outdoor Amenity Spaces, and associated Plant, Bin and Bike Stores.
Located in Cork City Centre between Maylor St and Oliver Plunkett St, the development aims to consolidate and improve the retail space, to provide modern residential dwellings within the city centre, and to create a quality living place for the existing and prospective local community.
Integrating the proposed building into the urban context of the site was a key aspect of the design, resulting in a proposal which has appropriate height, massing and density for its surroundings, and incorporates a façade composition which enhances the existing streetscape of Maylor St, and provides a complimentary architectural contribution to the urban fabric of the area.
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